LP Pool Actions

    Let’s look at mint and burns for the Pact.Fi pools to see what pools users are most interested to stake their assets in. 1) Show us total mints and burns by day across all pools. 2) What are the most popular pools wallets are minting LP for? 3) Do we see an increase in mints in the ALGO/GOMint, ALGO/GoBTC, and ALGO/GoETH pools from the AlgoMint incentive? 4) Folks Finance is offering incentive in the ALGO/GoETH starting on April 8th, do we see an increase in mints in this pool from the incentive? 5) Are there any notable days of for an increase of mints? What pool is causing that increase if there is and is there an event tied to the increase?

    • The graph above shows the mint transaction of ALGO/GOMint, ALGO/GoBTC, and ALGO/GoETH per day.
    • The number of mint transactions has grown rapidly from the end of March 2022.
    • The total number of mint transactions across the 3 pools reached an all time high on the 15th of April with almost 250 transactions in total.
    • As a result of the AlgoMint incentive, we've seen a rise in mints for ALGO/GOMint, ALGO/GoBTC, and ALGO/GoETH pools.
    • The graph above shows the top 5 pools wallets minted LP for
    • As shown in the graph, ALGO/goMINT LP Pool is the top pool among all pools, with 1,106 mint transactions.
    • ALGO/USDC and ALGO/goBTC LP Pools came in second and third with 934 mint transactions for ALGO/USDC LP Pool and 592 mint transactions for ALGO/goBTC LP Pool.
    • The graph above shows the mint and burn transactions across all pools by day
    • Prior to April, there was a significant discrepancy in the number of mint and burn transactions.
    • The most burn transactions occurred on April 29th, 2022, with 131 transactions, while the most mint transactions occurred on April 15th, 2022, with 441 transactions.


    The following analysis of LP Pool Actions will be analysed in this report:

    1. Mint and burn transactions across all pools by day
    2. Top 5 pools wallet minted LP for
    3. Mint transactions of ALGO/GOMint, ALGO/GoBTC and ALGO/GoETH per day
    4. Mint transactions of all pools on Pactfi per day
    • The graph above shows the mint transaction of all pools on Pactfi per day
    • From the 7th of April was the most noticeable day for an upsurge in mints.
    • The number of mint transactions has been growing significantly across all pools, particularly in the ALGO/GOMint pool.

    As stated in AlgoMint's tweet above, there is an event on Pactfi named 'Aeneas Liquidity Program Rewards,' which helps LP-ed users maximise their APY and compound their return. As a consequence, the number of mint transactions rose during April.

    Let's take a look at what caused the spike in mint transactions.
