boomehrad | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Dec 29, 2021
    Adding Matic and WETH to LP
    Vol Algo to Cex
    swap UST to ASTRO
    Liquidity Pool
    My Marinade Staking in Context
    Staking Spec
    Depositing RUNE into the LUNA pool
    Swap Algo to STBL
    Transfer ALGO from a centralized exchange to your ALGORAND wallet
    buy nft TopShot & buy an NFT on Gaia
    UST&Luna liquidity pool
    Deposit UST to mint aUST in anchor protocol
    Liquidity Pool
    limit order
    Stake $LUNA on Flipside Crypto
    Swap Matic for WETH
    mSOL deposit in MNDE
    Prism Scavenger Hunt
    Vol Algo from Cex
    Add into Algo/STBL Pool
    6 month
    swap UST to ASTRO
    Swap & Stake KUJI & Deposit UST to bid for a liquidation
    transactions delegating LUNA to Flipside
    swapping UST for KNTC/staking KNTC on Kinetic
    Stake SOL via MonkeDao’s
    Stake $LUNA on Flipside Crypto
    Mars Protocol Lockdrop Scavenger Hunt
    staking lona
    wallet staking sol in Marinade
    Receiving Spec
    trade executing
    daoSOL-SOL Liquidity Mining
    deposit daoSol/SOL to Saber
    Swap UST for RCT token query
    Untitled Query
    Stake $LUNA on Flipside Crypto