elhamrahimi | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Apr 8, 2022
    Stake SNX on synthetix.io
    assets do these wallets hold
    wallets that have most days using sushiswap (last month)
    Deposit UST to bid for a liquidation
    swap ust to kntc
    number of wallets swapping on DEXs
    10 most popular to swap to from gALGO3
    bridge SNX to OPTIMISM
    number and volume trades to GALGO3
    10 most popular to swap from to get gALGO3
    comparison of ALGO whales swapping on different DEXs
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    wallets that have most days using sushiswap (this year)
    fee vs transaction type
    Receive SNX to Optimism
    wallets that have most trades on sushiswap (last month)
    swap ust to rct
    volume of swap from algo
    the number of gALGO3 swaps from gALGO3 by day in tinyman dex
    Amount of deposited mSol into the MNDE pool in March
    the number of gALGO3 swaps from gALGO3 by day In pactfi dex
    swap ust to neb
    new wallet 2020 ASA
    transaction fees of osmosis each day
    Provide RUNE as liquidity
    Share of each cex from total ALGO outflow
    Swap UST to KUJI on Kujira Blue
    swap ALGO to STBL
    assets that these wallets swapping for
    redeem ust
    Untitled Query
    Stake KUJI
    stake ALGO STBL in algofi pool
    swap MATIC TO SNX
    Share from total Algo sent to cex
    wallets that created on that date with there algo
    stake kntc
    barrow SUSHI and deposit MATIC
    wallets that swap on tinyman, algofi, pactfi