Liquidity Pools - Wallet Composition
Oct 25, 2022 - What type of wallets provide liquidity on Osmosis? Is liquidity concentrated and owned by a small number of whales? Or, are there a diverse range of participants in the LP ecosystem? Do LP composition change based on TVL of the pools themselves?
Privacy Coins + Politics
Jun 10, 2022 - Do major news events result in more people swapping to SCRT? :Look at the volume of swaps to SCRT over the past three months. Do periods of high volume swaps into SCRT line up with major international news events? Or is there a pattern in SCRT swap volume?
DEX Change
Nov 13, 2022 - This week has highlighted the need for transparency & decentralization in crypto markets. Let's see how users have reacted to this wild week in Web3. Have behaviors changed? Analyze growth in Osmosis Volumes & User Count this week. Has more money flowed into Osmosis this week compared to the past few weeks/months? Where is this money coming from? Centralized Exchanges? Have wallets moved more into stables?
Daily Active User
Oct 16, 2022 - What does a Daily Active User look like on Osmosis? First, plot out how many DAUs there are on Osmosis. For this exercise, consider a DAU would be any wallet transacting on Osmosis a majority of days every week. Once you have the DAUs, what does their activity look like? Do they LP more or swap more? How often do they transfer tokens into Osmosis? Where are these transfers coming from?
Osmosis Governance: 362 and Beyond
Nov 21, 2022 - Governance in the Cosmos ecosystem has been a hot topic of late - first with Cosmos Hub 82 and now in Osmosis. Osmosis Prop 362 is a vote to decide the fate of the Osmosis Grants Program (OGP). Contention aside, there have been many points and counterpoints, AND a ton of vote switching. Let's take a look at the governance behavior surrounding Proposal 362. On the outside, it seems that a ton of voters have been switching their votes - is this actually true, or is it just big whales/validators causing these swings? What is the average wallet size (in OSMO) of the people voting? Of the people who have changed their vote more than once? Compare and contrast voting behavior of validators and average users in this context. Further, is Prop 362 significantly different than other proposals from an engagement perspective? Analyze voting for 362 vs. other recent governance proposals.