Accurate, comprehensive crypto data in your own environment.

Flipside Pro gives you speed, compute power, privacy, and data portability - setup takes seconds, not months.

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Decoded SQL-ready data

Reduce data engineering lift with expertly curated data, ready for your use.

Unrivaled accuracy

Our active community of 40k+ analysts support data QA and contribute to our accuracy.

26+ chains and protocols

300 Terabytes of expertly-curated data, the largest blockchain database on the market.

So what can you do with Flipside data?


Query blockchains like a human. Flipside tags and labels blockchain addresses to speed up your analysis.


Use our "EZ" schemas to easily explore and summarize decentralized exchange activity


Quickly summarize the top NFT projects by buyer, seller, platform, including USD-converted volume metrics.

Cross Chain

Flipside's crosschain tables combine crucial information across many of our supported networks

Analyze flows of tokens to and from Coinbase

  block_timestamp::date AS date,
  'ETH' AS token,
  sum(amount) AS amount
FROM ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers a 
  SELECT DISTINCT address, address_name FROM crosschain.core.address_labels 
  WHERE label_subtype = 'hot_wallet' AND project_name LIKE 'coinbase'
  AND address_name like 'coinbase %' AND blockchain = 'ethereum')
  count(DISTINCT(contract_address)) AS n_pools, 
  count(DISTINCT(tx_hash)) AS n_swaps, 
  sum(amount_in_usd) AS usd_swap_value, 
  count(DISTINCT(origin_from_address)) AS n_users 
FROM ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps 
WHERE block_timestamp > current_date - 7 
GROUP BY platform 
HAVING n_swaps > 15 
ORDER BY n_users desc;
  sum(nfts.price_usd) AS sales_volume, 
  count(DISTINCT (nfts.tx_hash)) AS n_sales, 
  count(DISTINCT (nfts.platform_name)) AS n_platforms 
FROM ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales nfts 
WHERE nfts.block_timestamp > current_date - 7 
  AND nfts.project_name IS NOT NULL 
GROUP BY nfts.project_name
ORDER BY sales_volume DESC;
  block_timestamp::date AS date,
  count(DISTINCT(trader)) AS n_users
FROM crosschain.core.ez_dex_swaps
WHERE block_timestamp > current_date - 7
GROUP BY blockchain, date
OUR Data
A table of blockchain dataA chart of blockchain data
A table of blockchain dataA chart of blockchain data
A table of blockchain dataA chart of blockchain data
A table of blockchain dataA chart of blockchain data

Easy access to Flipside data in your own environment.

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Remix Flipside data to build custom metrics and tables
Combine Flipside data with your own
Programmatic data access without any limits
Enterprise grade compliance, right out of the box
Integrate with third party ETL and data visualization tools
User roles and data permissioning

Trust Flipside for
whatever you build next.

Use Case

Data-driven Decisions
"Partnering with Flipside has been a game-changer for us at Aptos. The quick product analytics and SQL-ready data sets offer invaluable insights into our protocol and user behavior, with easy access to analyses on DEX trades or NFT sales volumes. Eliminating the need to decode our own data, your platform enables us to make informed strategic decisions swiftly."

Use Case

Tactical Community Growth
"Partnering with Flipside has been a game-changer for us at Aptos. The quick product analytics and SQL-ready data sets offer invaluable insights into our protocol and user behavior, with easy access to analyses on DEX trades or NFT sales volumes. Eliminating the need to decode our own data, your platform enables us to make informed strategic decisions swiftly."

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