Your Personal Web3 Intelligence Team

We’re a diverse team of web3-native experts - expert data scientists, analysts, market strategists, and more - depended on across the industry for intelligence and analytics.

Flipside is a toolkit we’ve built on our collective expertise that serves as your personal Web3 intelligence kit, comprising:

  • an enterprise data architecture
  • an SDK
  • a SQL engine
  • a community of thousands of analysts at the ready,
  • and our team in your corner

So whether you’re a protocol builder that needs programmatic data access or an enterprise looking to break into Web3, we’ve got everything you need to get informed and get ahead.

Our team is relied on throughout the space by chain foundations like those of Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, Near, and a dozen others, as well as top firms, builder teams, and professional data analysts.

Flipside is the most comprehensive blockchain database available, and we use it to power on-demand analytics, business intelligence, acquisition and retention strategies, painless data access and more, to help you outpace your goals - and your competitors.

We love helping people smash their own expectations - if you’re interested in using blockchain data as your not-so-secret weapon, let's chat!

“We chose Flipside for the breadth of blockchains covered and their highly responsive support team, but also for their best-in-class Application Binary Interface (ABI) decoding. Flipside has standardized the decoding of events for all contracts they have ABIs for – the most coverage in the industry. This is important for us to extract what’s actually occurring on-chain from the raw data. Without events, we cannot understand what a transaction is doing.”

James Hutchins

Managing Partner at North Island Ventures