The Whales Of NEAR
Feb 16, 2023 - Where in the ocean of NEAR do the whales hang out? Examine the top 20 addresses by amount of NEAR held - excluding any custodial or exchange addresses that you can. Can you identify any “power players” or wallets of interest? What behaviors do these whales exhibit?
A Surge of Optimism
Dec 19, 2022 - The price of Optimism (OP) fell sharply in early November, dropping from highs above $1.30 on November 6 to as low as $0.79 on November 9. In the weeks since, prices have been on the rise, with OP hit $1.19 on December 14. Analyze the network and diagnose some of the possible reasons for the sudden drop, and slow climb, of OP price in recent weeks. Are there any notable trends in users, transactions, or any other metrics that could explain these events? Note any patterns or outliers you see.