Most Popular Centralized Exchange For Algorand Wallets
Feb 24, 2022 - Let's look at the popularity of centralized exchanges(CEX) when it comes to Algorand. Chart the volume of ALGOs moved to each CEX by day since the beginning of 2021. Chart the volume of ALGOs moved from each CEX by day over time since the beginning of 2021. Are there any notable days of volume for any of the CEXs? What happened?
stETH vs. ETH (Lido)
Jun 5, 2022 - Q2. How has the price of stETH compared to ETH? Are there any events that triggered a big difference in price between the two tokens?
Comparing performance of staking platforms on Solana during and after FTX collapse
Dec 1, 2022
HODL or Sell (that is the question)
Apr 6, 2022 - Q8. In a time period of your choice, identify accounts that have staked ETH with Lido when the price of ETH was much higher or much lower than it is now. Have they held or sold their stETH?
Insight of the Week
Feb 5, 2023 - The NEAR Foundation is running an "Insight of the Week" series. Keeping your analysis short and focused on excellent-quality visualization - provide the most fascinating or illuminating fact or insight that you can about the NEAR ecosystem, or any of the projects building on NEAR, over the past 7 to 14 days. When you tweet about the insight, don't just describe it - do your best to explain "why" what you chose is unusual, valuable, or noteworthy.
Sushi Farming
Apr 6, 2022 - Q61. How many farms are there on Ethereum, Polygon and harmony. And what is the TVL per farm? which farms offer the most TVL? How has this changed over time?
New Addresses
May 29, 2022 - Q2. Draw a chart showing the number of new addresses every day on polygon(matic) network. New addressses are unique addresses that appeared for the first time in a transaction of Matic.
Distinct Wallets (Optimism Bridge)
Jun 17, 2022 - Q1. Many blockchain bridges exist allowing users to move assets between different blockchains. One of the blockchains currently receiving a lot of bridge volume is Optimism. There are several bridges you can use to move tokens to Optimism, but for this bounty we are particularly interested in Optimism’s bridge. You can find more information on their native bridge here and here. How many distinct wallets have deposited or withdrawn ETH to Optimism via the native bridge in the last 60 days? Visualize your findings.
USDC, USDT comparison in Orca
Jun 15, 2022 - Q86. This week we want to try something new. We want you to essentially write your own bounty question and answer it yourself. Pick any topic around Solana that you find relevant and interesting and analyze it. Bonus points for creativity and uniqueness!
Fuse Pool DAI Allocation
May 23, 2022 - Q1. How are the tokens in the DAI Vault being allocated into the various Fuse Pools?
Flow vs L1s
May 30, 2022 - Q3. Create a dashboard comparing the following metrics between Flow, Solana, Ethereum, and Algorand. Visualize these metrics over time since May 9th. -Number of transactions -Transaction success rates -Number of unique wallets to make a transaction -Number of wallets that used the chain everyday since May 9th -Transaction fees How does Flow compare to these other chains and how do you think it will trend over time?
Top TOKE Holders
Jun 22, 2022 - Q1. Identify the top holders of the TOKE token in January 2022, have they kept their position today?
Orca + Jupiter Volumes
Mar 14, 2022 - Compare the 5 most popular swaps SOL -> coin swaps (SOL swapped for another coin) on Orca and on Jupiter since January 1st. Create a visualization showing the total volume per day on Orca and Jupiter since January 1st for SOL to another coin swaps. What has been the historical swap success rate since January 1st on Orca and on Jupiter?
Secondary Sales Activity
Jun 18, 2022 - Q2. How many Lil Nouns have been sold on a secondary exchange within 24 hours of being minted? Are there any common traits among these Lil Nouns? Which Lil Noun’s have the biggest difference (positive or negative) between their mint price and secondary sale price? Visualize and analyze your findings.