me1200 | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Jan 28, 2022
    borrow sushi from Kashi
    Untitled Query
    Getting started with Terra scavenger hunt
    Acquiring SOL, Staking SOL via MonkeDAO, Using daoSOL on Saber, Solana 2.0 hunt query
    Staked Sol in Marinade
    amount of mSOl deposited into the mnde pool in the month of march
    Untitled Query
    stake Sol via mariande and deposit mSol into the MNDE pool
    deposit daosol in saber
    Algorand Swaps Question 1
    stake sol in monkedao
    Algorand New User Bounty
    My LUNA Delegation in Context
    My marinade staking in context
    Untitled Query
    Provide UST into the MARS-UST pool
    Approved limit order and deposit matic into Bentobox
    Unique wallets that have staked sol on marinade in the month of march
    Anchor Scavenger Hunt
    algo daily volume sent from cex
    Provide Liquidity into UST pool - Thorchain
    My Marinade Staking in Context
    Anchor Scavenger Hunt ; deposit
    Refract LUNA into yLUNA and pLUNA ,Swap some yLUNA for PRISM ,Provide liquidity using pLUNA and PRISM
    ALGO volume sent to CEX
    Swap MATIC to WETH
    algo daily volume sent to cex
    provide liquidity to the MATIC/WETH pool
    Algorand Bounty Question 1
    Untitled Query
    Kujari Scavenger Hunt - swao, staking and deposit
    algo volume sent from cex
    Untitled Query