mosa | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Jan 9, 2022
    Buy an NFT using BloctoBay
    Untitled Query
    send algo to other wallets
    Total holders
    Create liquidity for daoSOL / SOL pool in the Saber platform
    top 10
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    whales swap
    deposit to Bentobox
    Untitled Query
    number of daily user
    Algos moved from wallets to cexs
    2.Trading UST TO SPEC
    Swap UST to KUJI on Kujira Blue
    what assets wallets are trading their ALGOs for in March 2022.
    Limit Order
    kashi/borrowing through bentobox in sushi swap
    Staking SOL via MonkeDAO to get daoSOL
    Stake LP token in Saber platform
    number of swaps each day that are swapping ALGO for another asset by DEX.
    kashi/borrowing through bentobox in sushi swap
    Unique Programs
    Redeem Token From Wormhole Bridge To Solana
    Total stake
    Untitled Query
    What assets are whales swapping from
    xSushi vs Meowshi
    Transactions of Uniswap on Polygon Scavenger Hunt
    Show the stake vs unstake actions over time
    Algos moved from cexs to wallets
    Friktion Scavenger Hunt
    Donation to the wallet over time
    DAI pool
    Average sushi swap fee per month by network
    New User Activity