qqqn | Flipside Analyst


    Joined May 14, 2021
    Lend USDT on Impermax
    Minting mBABA
    Latest CHAI Transfers
    terra native swap test
    bLuna-Luna pool txs
    Minting mBABA
    MIR-UST LP staking
    Borrow UST from Anchor
    AAVE Market Liquidity - adapted
    Untitled Query
    Provide liquidity for DFYN-ROUTE trading pair
    Borrow USDC from Aave
    Polygon: eth txs to PoS bridge
    ethereum tx to polygon
    AAVE Market Stats - edit
    stETH test
    Voting on Oracle Prices
    Polygon: plasma deposits eth.txs
    Voting "Abstain" in Mirror governance
    AAVE How-to Query
    Copy - Tether liquidity on Aave
    Current Oracle Exchange Rates
    Aave marketstats test
    scratch work
    test eth plasma txs
    AAVE Daily Deposit Withdrawal Breakdown over the Past Month
    MIR staking
    Stake ANC in Governance
    Polygon: eth udm plasma
    AAVE Tether liquidity
    AAVE Market Stats test
    Terra Bites staking
    Copy: AAVE Daily Deposit Withdrawal over pas month
    terra bluna luna test
    AAVE Market Stats- add name col
    Validator staking
    bluna contract test
    Aave flash loans test