s-dragon20a | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Jan 16, 2022
    Trading UST to SPEC
    Liquidity Pool
    My Marinade Staking in Context
    Friktion 2: Using mSol in Friktion protocol
    Swap &s Stake KUJI & Deposit UST to bid for a liquidationx1
    Anchor UST Deposits
    Stake KUJI
    Untitled Query
    step x: deposite asset to Bentobox and borrowing
    Stake SOL via MonkeDAO’s DAOPool to receive daoSOL
    Optimism Hunt
    buy nft TopShot & buy an NFT on Gaia
    Farm daoSOl/Sol Lp token
    Number of ""whales"" stakers
    Provide_liquidity_to_LUNA/UST_ pool
    Friktion 1: Staking Sol and getting mSol
    Number of unique Aurorians that been sold after unstaked each day
    Luna Delegation to flipside
    My algorand YLDY Staking in Context
    Number of ""fish"" stakers
    Stake $LUNA on Flipside Crypto
    transactions delegating LUNA to Flipside
    Vol Algo from Cex
    NEAR Scavenger Hunt:Swapping wNEAR for USN
    Vol Algo to Cex
    Deposit UST to bid for a liquidation
    Number of unique Aurorians that been sold after unstaked
    Swap UST to KUJI on Kujira Blue
    Number of unique Aurorians that been staked
    Depositing RUNE into the LUNA pool
    NEAR Scavenger Hunt : Funding your wallet with NEAR
    monthly & cumulative anchor deposits
    StarkWare Hunt
    My Terra Delegation Transaction
    Deposite SOL From exchange
    Stake SOl in Marinde
    Number of unique Aurorians that been staked each day
    swap UST to ASTRO