MufasaCount of unique eligible addresses for gas promo
    Updated 2022-12-19
    with final_result as (
    select count(buyer_address) as eligible_addresses
    from (select buyer_address, min(date) as mint_date
    from (select date(block_timestamp) as date,
    BUYER_ADDRESS, sales.tx_hash, data_one.tx_hash as count_of_transactions,
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales sales inner join (select tx_hash
    where to_address = '0xef1c6e67703c7bd7107eed8303fbe6ec2554bf6b') data_one
    on data_one.tx_hash = sales.tx_hash)
    where PRICE_USD>0 and date<'2022-12-14'
    group by 1
    -- order by 2 asc
    select * from final_result

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