Updated 2022-12-15
    with price as (select recorded_hour::date as date,
    avg(open) as avg_open,
    avg(close) as avg_close,
    (avg_open + avg_close)/2 as near_price
    from crosschain.core.fact_hourly_prices
    where id = 'wrapped-near'
    group by 1),

    table_1 as (select date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as week,
    count(distinct(tx_hash)) as tx_count,
    sum(tx_count) over (order by week) as cumu_tx_count,
    tx_count/604800 as tps,
    sum(transaction_fee/1e24 * near_price) as fee_usd,
    sum(fee_usd) over (order by week) as cumu_fee_usd,
    avg(transaction_fee/1e24 * near_price) as avg_fee_usd,
    count(distinct(tx_signer)) as wallet_count,
    tx_count/wallet_count as avg_tx
    from near.core.fact_transactions a
    join price b on a.block_timestamp::date = b.date
    where tx_status = 'Success'
    group by 1)

    select *,
    (select avg(tx_count) from table_1) as avg_weekly_tx,
    (select avg(tps) from table_1) as avg_weekly_tps,
    (select avg(fee_usd) from table_1) as avg_weekly_fee,
    (select avg(avg_fee_usd) from table_1) as avg_weekly_fee_per_tx,
    (select avg(wallet_count) from table_1) as avg_weekly_wallets
    from table_1
    order by 1 desc
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