Forefront Tak2023-11-18 01:45 AM copy copy
    Updated 2024-01-07
    -- forked from 2023-11-18 01:45 AM copy @

    with c as
    ( select
    distinct OWNER_ID as singer
    from near.nft.fact_nft_mints
    where TX_STATUS ='Success'and
    SIGNER_ID ='tekuno.near'and
    RECEIVER_ID='tekuno.near' and
    TX_RECEIVER='tekuno.near' and

    case when BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date between '2023-11-07' and '2023-11-10' then 'Nearcon2023'
    when BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date < '2023-11-07' then 'Before Nearcon2023' else 'After Nearcon2023'
    end as date ,
    BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date as dates,
    count(distinct TX_HASH) as "Transactions",
    count(distinct TOKEN_ID) as "Tokens minted",
    count(distinct OWNER_ID) as "Minter"

    from near.nft.fact_nft_mints
    where dates>'2023-06-01'
    and OWNER_ID in (select singer from c )
    group by 1,2

    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived