    Updated 2022-01-20
    -- Node Operators Over Time
    -- How many unique node operators have ever bonded $RUNE? How has that number progressed over time?

    -- select
    -- -- distinct node_address
    -- *
    -- from thorchain.new_node_events
    -- limit 10
    -- select*
    -- from thorchain.bond_actions
    -- where to_address in (
    select * from thorchain.bond_actions
    -- where from_address in (
    -- select
    -- distinct node_address
    -- from thorchain.new_node_events)
    -- -- limit 10
    -- select
    -- to_address as node_operator,
    -- sum(asset_usd) as total_rewards
    -- from thorchain.bond_actions
    -- where bond_type = 'bond_reward'
    -- and to_address in
    -- (select distinct node_address from thorchain.new_node_events)
    -- group by node_operator