banbannardTHORChain vs Maya Protocol copy
    Updated 2024-06-06
    -- forked from Rayyyk / THORChain vs Maya Protocol @

    with base_tc as (select defillama.get('/protocol/Thorchain', {}) as resp),

    tc as (select 'THORChain' as protocol,
    to_timestamp(f.value:date) as date,
    f.value:totalLiquidityUSD as tvl_usd
    from base_tc,
    lateral flatten(input => base_tc.resp['data']['tvl']) f),

    rune as (select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    avg(rune_usd) as rune_price
    from thorchain.price.fact_prices
    where day >= '2024-01-01'
    group by 1),

    maya as (select 'Maya Protocol' as protocol,
    tvl_usd*2 as tvl_usd
    from external.defillama.fact_chain_tvl
    where chain = 'Mayachain'
    and date >= '2024-01-01'),

    res1 AS (select'GET',
    { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    'sheets_id' : '1AWmBz6No3GMy3ddpP74-eelfW8MZ3w4rjSWxOA-U218',
    'tab_name' : 'Cacao Price'
    ) as result
    from DUAL),

    data1 AS (select result:data as json_result_must_pivot from res1),

    cacao as (SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP_NTZ(SUBSTR(d.value:snapped_at, 1, 19)) as day,
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived