naranjaninja2_1_4) Daily ETH Sold by Exchange Type
    Updated 2022-10-01
    with cex_sells_eth as (
    select block_timestamp::date as date,
    sum(amount) as cex_sell_volume,
    count(eth_from_address) as cex_sell_addresses
    from ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers
    where eth_to_address in (select address from ethereum.core.dim_labels where label_type = 'cex')
    group by 1
    dex_sells_eth as (
    select block_timestamp::date as date,
    sum(amount_in) as dex_sell_volume,
    count(sender) as dex_sell_addresses
    from ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps
    where symbol_in = 'WETH'
    group by 1

    flow_data as (
    select date,
    COALESCE(cex_sell_volume,0) as _cex_sell_volume,
    COALESCE(dex_sell_volume,0) as _dex_sell_volume,
    COALESCE(cex_sell_addresses,0) as _cex_sell_addresses,
    COALESCE(dex_sell_addresses,0) as _dex_sell_addresses
    from cex_sells_eth
    join dex_sells_eth using(date)
    where date >= '2022-09-01'

    select date,
    'CEX' as "Exchange",
    _cex_sell_volume as eth_amount,
    _cex_sell_addresses as users
    from flow_data
    select date,
    Run a query to Download Data