Iacomustx count to project
    Updated 2023-06-01
    -- forked from tx count to type @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/af2e5c91-92ad-4003-8b96-78fd27ab82c2

    -- forked from tx count @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/b114d116-c524-45f2-af90-5dfd18884c39

    --exclude mint/burn and then figure out contracts sent to
    with tx as
    (select block_timestamp, tx_hash,
    from_address, to_address,
    origin_from_address, origin_to_address,
    from avalanche.core.ez_token_transfers
    where contract_address = '0xc891eb4cbdeff6e073e859e987815ed1505c2acd'
    and block_timestamp >= date('2023-02-28') --contract creation
    and (from_address <> '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    or to_address <> '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000')

    labeled as
    (select tx.*,
    t.label_type to_type,
    t.label_subtype to_subtype,
    t.project_name to_project_name,
    f.label_type from_type,
    f.label_subtype from_subtype,
    f.project_name from_project_name
    from tx
    left join avalanche.core.dim_labels t
    on tx.origin_to_address = t.address
    left join avalanche.core.dim_labels f
    on tx.origin_from_address = f.address)

    select coalesce(to_project_name, 'unidentified') type, count(*) tx_count
    from labeled
    group by 1

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