Hessishturkey - nost total 2
    Updated 2023-09-11
    -- forked from turkey - nost total @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/16dd1fc2-4939-46b8-8951-185223256bfc

    -- forked from turkey - nost hours @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/8e16e744-ac2e-4000-a8cd-913ebaa06bf8

    prices as (SELECT HOUR::date as datex,
    case when symbol = 'USDT' then '0x068f5c6a61780768455de69077e07e89787839bf8166decfbf92b645209c0fb8'
    when symbol = 'USDC' then '0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8'
    when symbol = 'DAI' then '0x00da114221cb83fa859dbdb4c44beeaa0bb37c7537ad5ae66fe5e0efd20e6eb3'
    when symbol = 'WBTC' then '0x03fe2b97c1fd336e750087d68b9b867997fd64a2661ff3ca5a7c771641e8e7ac'
    when symbol = 'wstETH' then '0x042b8f0484674ca266ac5d08e4ac6a3fe65bd3129795def2dca5c34ecc5f96d2'
    when symbol = 'WETH' then '0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7'
    end as addy,
    case when symbol = 'WETH' then 'ETH' else SYMBOL end as token,
    DECIMALS , avg(PRICE) as pr
    from crosschain.core.ez_hourly_prices
    where HOUR::date >= current_date - 730
    and SYMBOL in ('USDT','USDC','DAI','WBTC','WETH','wstETH')
    and BLOCKCHAIN = 'ethereum'
    GROUP by 1,2,3,4),

    nost_info as (
    SELECT a.timestamp as date, caller as user, a.tx_hash, PARAMETERS[2]:value[0]:value::string/pow(10,DECIMALS ) as volume, volume*pr as usd ,token
    from external.tokenflow_starknet.decoded_events a
    join prices on datex = timestamp::date and contract= addy
    join external.tokenflow_starknet.decoded_traces b on a.tx_hash = b.tx_hash
    where a.TIMESTAMP::date >= '2023-07-01'
    and PARAMETERS[1]:value = '0x3d39f7248fb2bfb960275746470f7fb470317350ad8656249ec66067559e892'
    and name = 'Transfer'
    and FUNCTION = 'mint' ) ,

    t1 as (SELECT TIMESTAMP , CALLER, tx_hash as hash1, INPUTS[0]:value as id
    from external.tokenflow_starknet.decoded_traces
    where TIMESTAMP::date >= '2023-07-01'
    Run a query to Download Data