kingharald-ethTop 10 sales volume per positions
    Updated 2022-09-13
    select player_position, sum(price) as total_sale_amount, count(*) as total_se_num
    from flow.core.ez_nft_sales as a
    join (
    select nft_id, nft_collection, moment_stats_full:metadata:playerPosition as p,
    case p
    when 'QB' then 'Quarterback'
    when 'K' then 'Kicker'
    when 'TE' then 'Tight End'
    when 'OL' then 'Offensive Linemen'
    when 'DL' then 'Defensive Line'
    when 'RB' then 'Running back'
    when 'P' then 'Punter'
    when 'LB' then 'Linebacker'
    when 'WR' then 'Wide Receiver'
    when 'DB' then 'Defensive Backs'
    end as player_position
    from flow.core.dim_allday_metadata
    ) b on (a.nft_id = b.nft_id and a.nft_collection = b.nft_collection)
    where a.tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'
    and current_date >= a.block_timestamp::date
    and p != ''
    group by 1
    order by 2, 3 desc
    limit 10
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