mz0111Flow x1
    Updated 2023-08-27
    with tab1 AS
    FROM flow.core.ez_nft_sales a JOIN flow.core.dim_contract_labels b
    ON nft_collection = event_contract
    WHERE CONTRACT_NAME like 'DimensionX')

    date_trunc(day,BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as DATE,
    count(distinct tx_id) as Sales_Cnt,
    count(distinct buyer) as Buyers_Cnt,
    count(distinct seller) as Sellers_Cnt,
    count(distinct nft_collection) as Collections_Cnt,
    count(distinct marketplace) as Marketplaces_Cnt,
    count(distinct nft_id) as Tokens_Cnt,
    Sellers_Cnt/Buyers_Cnt as Avg_sellers_per_buyers,
    sum(price) as Total_flow_Vol,
    avg(price) as Avg_flow_Vol,
    sum(Sales_Cnt) over (order by date) as cum_Sales_Cnt,
    sum(Buyers_Cnt) over (order by date) as cum_Buyers_Cnt,
    sum(Sellers_Cnt) over (order by date) as cum_Sellers_Cnt,
    sum(Total_flow_Vol) over (order by date) as cum_Total_flow_Vol,
    avg(Sales_Cnt) over (order by date) as Avg_Sales_Cnt,
    avg(Buyers_Cnt) over (order by date) as Avg_Buyers_Cnt,
    Total_flow_Vol/Sales_Cnt as avg_vol_per_sale,
    Sales_Cnt/Buyers_Cnt as avg_sales_per_buyer,
    Sales_Cnt/Sellers_Cnt as avg_sales_per_seller
    from tab1
    where date > current_date - 30
    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data