boomer77wormhole ust inflow vs outflow
    Updated 2022-04-26
    with inflow as (select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as dt, sum(event_inputs:value/1e6) as volume, count(distinct tx_hash) as tx_count,
    count (distinct event_inputs:from::string) as user_count, 'Inflow' as move
    from ethereum_core.fact_event_logs
    where event_inputs:to::string = '0x3ee18b2214aff97000d974cf647e7c347e8fa585' and contract_address = '0xa693b19d2931d498c5b318df961919bb4aee87a5' --ust
    and event_name = 'Transfer'
    group by 1), -- UST ETH > Terra

    raw as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, tx_id, msg_value:sender::string as sender,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:recipient_chain as chain, case
    when chain = 1 then 'solana'
    when chain = 2 then 'ethereum'
    when chain = 4 then 'BSC'
    when chain = 5 then 'polygon'
    else null end as terra_to_chain,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:amount/1e6 as amount,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:info:native_token:denom::string as uusd
    from terra.msgs
    where msg_value:contract::string = 'terra10nmmwe8r3g99a9newtqa7a75xfgs2e8z87r2sf'
    and msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer is not null
    and msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:info:native_token:denom::string = 'uusd'),

    outflow as (select dt, sum(amount) as volume, count(distinct tx_id) as tx_count, count(distinct sender) as user_count, 'Outflow' as move
    from raw
    where terra_to_chain = 'ethereum'
    group by 1
    order by 1 asc)

    select a.dt, a.volume as inflow_vol, a.tx_count as inflow_tx, a.user_count as inflow_unique_user,
    (b.volume*-1) as outflow_vol, b.tx_count as outflow_tx, b.user_count as outflow_unique_user, case
    when outflow_vol is null then 0
    else outflow_vol end as outflow,
    inflow_vol + outflow as net_vol,
    sum(inflow_vol) OVER(ORDER BY a.dt asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS inflow_cumulative,
    sum(b.volume) OVER(ORDER BY a.dt asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS outflow_cumulative
    from inflow a
    left outer join outflow b on a.dt = b.dt