Lava Ambassadors
2 Members
Query |
Holders distribution FRIEND base l2 evm |
FRIEND liquidity pools tvl base ethereum l2 evm |
MAVIA liquidity pools tvl (ETH and Base) base ethereum l2 evm |
FRIEND holders over time base ethereum l2 evm |
test1 base l2 evm |
Trading volume + unique traders (FRIEND) base l2 evm |
test0 base l2 evm |
Holders FRIEND base l2 evm |
2024-07-02 12:34 PM uniswap woofi maverick swaps pools |
Trading volume + unique traders (MAVIA) uniswap kyberswap woofi hashflow maverick |
MAVIA holders over time- base (Avg and Median) base ethereum l2 evm |
FRIEND holders over time (Avg and Median) base ethereum l2 evm |
MAVIA liquidity pools tvl (Base) base ethereum l2 evm |
Holders MAVIA base ethereum l2 evm |
price FRIEND base l2 evm |
MAVIA holders over time- base base ethereum l2 evm |