Osmosis - 15. Quarterly Performance Report
Apr 14, 2023 - Provide a Q1 2023 Analysis of the Osmosis Ecosystem. Include standard growth metrics, pool health metrics, etc. Compare these metrics to the quarterly average from 2022. Additionally, analyze the impact Mars had on these Q1'23 growth metrics.
Osmosis - 7. Are New Tokens Bringing New Users?
Feb 20, 2023 - In recent weeks, we saw many new token listings, either bridged assets like AVAX, BNB, BUSD, or native assets like ACRE, ARUSD, MARS, NGM, etc. Did these new token listings bring new users into the ecosystem? Or did existing Osmosis users just start using them. Are there some assets that brought more users in than others?
Osmosis - 16. StreamSwap Launch
Apr 26, 2023 - On 4/18 StreamSwap launched on Osmosis. The details of StreamSwap can be found here: Analyze the first few days of the StreamSwap launch.
Exploring the ARB Token
May 20, 2023 - This bounty aims to analyse the recent listing of the ARB token on the Osmosis DEX, with a primary focus on liquidity incentives and pool activity between ARB/OSMO. Furthermore, we will delve into the dynamics of ARB token holders, transfers, and user behaviour on the Osmosis network. We are particularly interested in whether ARB token users, in terms of swapping and liquidity providing, are new to the Osmosis DEX or are existing users. Additionally, your dashboard should be designed to update with future data and be capable of comparing the launch and incentives of ARB token with a previous token launch on the Osmosis blockchain.
Uniswap Monthly New Users
May 13, 2023 - Continuing the set of easy bounty questions to form our new analysts, we are launching another bounty related to Uniswap on Ethereum chain. The question to be solved is the following: Is Uniswap attracting new users? How many transactions are they doing? Using the last twelve months of Ethereum data, visualize the number of monthly new users onboarding to Uniswap.