EVM - 9. Polygon Hard Fork
Feb 20, 2023 - ETH-scaling project Polygon completed a hard fork last month in hopes of reducing gas fees, as well as disruptive chain reorganizations known as "reorgs,” Let’s dive into the network’s health and performance leading up to and since the hard fork.
Mooar Exploration Dashboard
Nov 9, 2023 - MOOAR is a membership-based NFT Marketplace and Launchpad on Solana and Ethereum. MOOAR aims to drastically lower the barrier of entry to create NFT collections and assist creators to initially offer them to the market. We take care of the creation part so that the project team can focus on giving utilities to these NFTs.
Uniswap Monthly New Users
May 13, 2023 - Continuing the set of easy bounty questions to form our new analysts, we are launching another bounty related to Uniswap on Ethereum chain. The question to be solved is the following: Is Uniswap attracting new users? How many transactions are they doing? Using the last twelve months of Ethereum data, visualize the number of monthly new users onboarding to Uniswap.
Sushiswap - 3. Chain Dominance
Mar 2, 2023 - On what chains does Sushi have the most volume? Sushi's expansion into other blockchains and ecosystems has been a core strategy for a while. How has the strategy played out? How does Sushi's volume compare to other DEXes on chains like Polygon, Avalanche, and Arbitrum? How does Uniswap's volume compare on these chains (wherever applicable)? Chart monthly changes in volume, number of users LPing, and the top LP pools per chain. How do the incentives and rewards compare for pools on each chain?