isam-NuSprf | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Dec 20, 2021
    1Upvotes LP Pool Actions LP Pool Actions

    Apr 29, 2022 - Let’s look at mint and burns for the Pact.Fi pools to see what pools users are most interested to stake their assets in. Show us total mints and burns by day across all pools. What are the most popular pools wallets are minting LP for? Do we see an increase in mints in the ALGO/GOMint, ALGO/GoBTC, and ALGO/GoETH pools from the AlgoMint incentive? Folks Finance is offering incentive in the ALGO/GoETH starting on April 8th, do we see an increase in mints in this pool from the incentive? Are there any notable days of for an increase of mints? What pool is causing that increase if there is and is there an event tied to the increase? Tips To look at all pool events, we need the app_ids for the pools. We can get these app_ids from when the LP tokens are initially created. We then will look at all application_call_transactions that contain one of these app_ids With pact_app_ids as( SELECT DISTINCT tx_message :txn :apid :: NUMBER AS app_id FROM {{ ref('silver_algorand__transactions') }} WHERE inner_tx = 'FALSE' AND tx_message :dt :itx [0] :txn :type :: STRING = 'acfg' AND tx_message :dt :itx [0] :txn :apar :an :: STRING LIKE '%PACT LP Token' AND tx_message :dt :itx [0] :txn :apar :au :: STRING = '' ) select * from algorand.application_call_transaction where app_id IN ( SELECT app_id FROM pact_app_ids ) And -To decode filter with: TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = ‘ADDLIQ’ OR TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = ‘REMLIQ’ Remove liquidity example txn: Add liquidity example: To look at examples of add and removing liquidity:
