Gas as a proxy of activity
Jun 4, 2022 - Q89. How much did sushi users pay for gas in 2022? Is there a correlation with the price of ETH? Can you comment on the spikes in the chart?
Wildlife Warriors NFT Drop
Jun 21, 2022 - Q105. Wildlife Warriors was a project established by Steve Irwin in 2002 as a way to include and involve other caring people to support the protection of injured, threatened or endangered wildlife. They recently had an NFT drop( on Algorand to support the project. Lets look at the wallets that own one of these NFTs: -Look at when the wallets were created(created_at) that own a wildlife warrior. Were wallets created recently for the drop or are they more established wallets? -Look at the ALGO balances of wallets that own a wildlife warrior and show the distribution balances -Look at how many Wildlife Warriors each wallet holds. -Is there a correlation between how many Wildlife Warriors a wallet holds and their ALGO balance? Tips: To look at the list of the asset_ids of the NFTs: select * from algorand.asset where asset_name like 'Warrior Croc%' and (creator_address = 'A62XRVE7ZWSXLAA4YDDI7GUMCHML2TT3JXFT3OWTVQAKOZSBGNT7FX5YQU' or creator_address = ‘SRRIUGPVPPGST3KPH32XQXTE567G6LHCEX2IMHDRW2IWH3427UVWXRXHCQ')"
Highest Sales Volume
Jun 11, 2022 - Q1. Which 3 NFT collections have the most total sales volume in the last 60 days on NFTX? These are transactions where someone redeems their NFTX tokens for a specific NFT.