Dashboard: Uniswap Liquidity Pool Analyzer
Oct 8, 2022 - Uniswap v3 is used to setup liquidity pools for many new token pairs, a lot of which are sometimes overlooked due to low volume. This dashboard analyses the number of liquidity pairs/pools, including metrics around volume, number of swaps, etc. It also compares the different characteristics (TVL, number of swaps, fees generated, fee tier preference, etc.) between big/popular pools and long tail assets pools.
Deep Dive into Cortex: The Decentralized AI Platform
Mar 20, 2023 - Cortex is a decentralized AI platform that enables programmers to create, train, and use machine learning models on the blockchain. Its goal is to democratize AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) Adoption Rate in Businesses Globally
Mar 30, 2023 - Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming the way companies develop new products and services. They enable companies to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and make predictions with unprecedented accuracy. This dashboard explores the common patterns in using AI and ML across industries and examines how they have transformed the competitive landscape.
Transaction Attacks on Uniswap
Oct 22, 2022 - Mitigation of Transaction Manipulation Attacks in Uniswap Graph Source: Uniswap Labs data, Dune Analytics
Uniswap Liquidity Pools on Optimism
Nov 16, 2022 - On October 26, phase 1 of the Optimism-Uniswap Liquidity Mining Program started. For this phase a total of 50K OP in Incentives were deployed on the following pools : - WETH/USDC - 0.05% - WETH/DAI - 0.3% - USDC/DAI - 0.01% At completion, after a retrospective of the campaign results, two new phases (100K and 650K OP) will be deployed.