
APTOSAptos is an independent Layer 1 blockchain platform focused on safety and scalability driving growth within a decentralized network and developer ecosystem.


Curated paths of connected quests designed to guide you through the ecosystem. Complete onboarding journeys to unlock more advanced journeys and exclusive quests with greater rewards.

View Aptos Onboarding
aptos iconAptos
APTUp to 0.72 APT

Aptos Onboarding

    Bridging to Aptos
    Swapping for APT
    LSTs on Aptos
    LSTs as Collateral
    Borrowing Against Collateral
    Swap on Cellana
View Joule Defi
aptos iconAptos
APTUp to 2.5 APT

Joule Defi

    Borrow on Joule
    Lend on Joule
    Loop on Joule

Quests with Rewards

Complete these quests to earn tokens and other rewards. Each quest offers unique challenges and opportunities to earn while learning about different protocols.

aptos icon
APTUp to0.04 APT
Ready to start
aptos icon
APTUp to0.045 APT
Ready to start

Quests without Rewards

Quests that do not have a reward. You can still participate in these quests to increase your onchain scores!

Frequently asked questions