Price vs. Volume
Feb 17, 2022 - Question 40: Look at the price of the Sushi token and volume on Sushiswap over the past 30 days. Does the price of the Sushi token seem to impact volume on Sushiswap?
Solana NFT Project Feature
Jul 16, 2022 - Choose a NFT project from the following list and create a dashboard with the new Flipside dashboard layout that can refresh once a day highlighting at least 4 metrics of your choosing that helps show the "health" of the project. Note any noticeable trends or current events for the project. Highlight how liquidity is flowing in and out of the project and what types of buyers and sellers are interacting with the project.
Anchor bETH Collateralization
Mar 31, 2022 - Q6. Quantify the amount of bETH provided as collateral in Anchor Protocol. Note any trends or changes in user behavior in the last 90 days. Based on your results, should the bETH borrow limit be raised to 70% LTV? Include relevant data or visualizations to support your claim.
Top TOKE Holders
Jun 22, 2022 - Identify the top holders of the TOKE token in January 2022, have they kept their position today?
Daily Transactions and Unique Addresses
Jul 13, 2022 - Q1. Count and plot the number of daily transactions and unique addresses on Polygon, beginning July 1, 2022.
Bots and Sucess Rates
Apr 26, 2022 - Compare the success rate of transactions executed by bots in the past 60 days with average users' transactions in the same time period. Is there any difference and any trends identifiable?
Transaction Failure
Mar 24, 2022 - Q169. Make reference to this tweet: https://twitter.com/alphaDefi_/status/1504522066674003972/photo/1 Establish the failed transaction rate for Terra over a time period of your choosing. Is this analysis correct? Additionally, make a case for what is causing the failure transaction rate you assess, and provide recommendations to mitigate it.
Anchor Deposits and Borrows
Jan 14, 2022 - Select a time period (minimum 1 month). Using visuals, compare borrow volume and deposit volume over that time period.
NEAR Gas Guzzlers
Jul 25, 2022 - What contracts are users spending the most gas on to use? How has this changed over the past week? Past month?
NEAR Performance
Jul 15, 2022 - How does NEAR stock up to other L1s in terms of speed and performance? How fast is NEAR, and compare it with other blockchain speeds in terms of transactions per minute and percentage of transactions that fail.
Total Metamask Users
Jun 26, 2022 - Q1. How many total Metamask wallet holders are there? What’s the average value of ETH held in wallets? What percentage of wallets are engaging in a higher order activity, like staking?
Swap Fees
Jun 28, 2022 - Q21. Do fees on Osmosis differ when users swap to or from different tokens? On average, which tokens have the highest and lowest swap fees on Osmosis?
Swap Sizes
Feb 10, 2022 - Show the daily average swap size over time for the 10 largest liquidity pools (in terms of value locked). How has this swap size changed over time? Why might this be?
What makes a Top Shots moment valuable? (Part I)
Jul 21, 2022 - Create an analysis on NBA Top Shots moments and attempt to uncover any correlations between a specific category and sales volume.
Why do Transactions Fail?
Jan 20, 2022 - Do times of high transaction volume lead to more transaction failures? Create a visualization that shows the relationship between transaction volume and success rate of transactions throughout the month of December. Are there any noticeable patterns to when transactions are more likely to fail?
Solana TPS
Feb 22, 2022 - One of Solana's main features is its speed compared to other blockchains. Blockchain performance is usually measured in Transactions per Second (TPS). Measure the TPS of Solana in February (non votes) and 'Successful TPS' per day and create a chart showing how TPS has fluctuated during that time period.
Distinct Wallets (zkSync)
Jun 17, 2022 - Q1. How many distinct wallets have deposited ETH into ZkSync in the last 60 days? How much ETH was deposited by day? Visualize both.
Transaction Nature
Mar 31, 2022 - Q171. In your own words, briefly explain how transaction volume relates to fees paid to stakers. Then, create a graph to show the fees derived from transactions and native swaps.
USDC Deposits
Jun 21, 2022 - Q1. In the last month, how much USDC did users deposit into PoolTogether (Ethereum)? What’s the average deposit amount per user?
ERC20 Tokens (zkSync)
Jun 17, 2022 - Users can also deposit ERC20 tokens into ZkSync. Which ERC20 tokens have been deposited the most (in $ volume and total count) in the last 60 days? Visualize and explain both findings.
Steady as it Goes
Mar 2, 2022 - A common talking point on Twitter is that LUNA is resistant to broader market downturns, when compared to other leading cryptocurrencies. Assess this claim, using data drawn from a time period of your choosing. In making your argument, acknowledge the unknowns and address potential criticisms of your chosen position. Additionally, clearly define your definition of stability or resistance to broader market pressures, as well as your benchmarks for comparison (i.e. what are you comparing LUNA to, and how does it perform vs. its peers/competitors?)
StepN Growth
Mar 2, 2022 - Solana Q30: StepN is a Solana based ""move-to-earn' game (you earn the game's native token GST by moving around using their NFT sneakers and GPS system). The game has seen steady growth in popularity since it launched at the end of December (transitioned from a private beta mode to its current public mode). Create a visualization showing the number of unique wallets that have transacted with GST by day since January 1st. How much total GST has been transacted per day since January 1st? Provide some insights over the adoption of GST and how long it can accommodate its limitless supply as an in-game token.
Volume Market Share
Feb 17, 2022 - Question 41: Show daily transaction volume on Sushiswap as a proportion of the total volume across all of the DEXs over the past 60 days.
Killer Crossover, Mvmt. I: LUNA/Solana
Feb 20, 2022 - Question 149: Friktion on Solana offers a “covered call” strategy for numerous assets, including LUNA. This strategy’s overall return depends on how often the call options are exercised, i.e. how often LUNA ends up above the strike price of the option. Determine how many weeks during the past month that LUNA’s price has increased more than 15% in a 7-day period. Based on this performance, what insights or implications can you draw about the true profitability of a LUNA covered-call strategy?
Around & Around We Go (Circulating Supply)
Feb 23, 2022 - Question 151: Display the circulating supply of LUNA over the past 3 months. Use on-chain data for your calculation, but you are welcome to reference outside sources to support and validate your answer.
Celsius Swaps
Jun 23, 2022 - Find out about the swapping behavior of Celsius network on both Sushi and Uniswap. Which tokens did they swap the most. From which one of their wallets did they conduct most of the swaps?
Anchor Emissions
Feb 22, 2022 - Question 152: Create a table of all addresses that have made at least one Anchor borrow in the last 3 months. Do some basic analysis and produce at least one interesting insight about Anchor borrowers.
Voting Activity
Jun 21, 2022 - The Lil Nouns DAO is controlled via onchain voting by token holders. Using the ethereum database, analyze voting activity on Lil Nouns proposals. Since voting is on chain and costs gas, are smaller holders excluded from the voting process? Visualize and analyze this question, along with any other trends you find that are relevant.
NBA Playoff Usage
Jun 28, 2022 - Q.15 Analyze the start of the NBA playoffs (mid-April) and determine whether it had an impact on Flow transaction volume. What about NBA Top Shots?
Pleasure to Burn
Mar 2, 2022 - Terra Q154: How much LUNA has been burned over the past 30 days? How has the supply of UST changed over the same time period? Display both of these, using visualizations.
Active Wallets on Terra
May 5, 2022 - Define "Active Wallets" on Terra. Based on your definition, display the active wallets by day, month, and Year-To-Date in 2022.
Head to Head
Mar 31, 2022 - Q172. Excluding the respective foundations, what are the top 10 addresses by amount of UST held? What are the top 10 addresses by amount of DAI held? Do you have any guesses to whom those addresses belong?
Fuse Pool Analysis
May 24, 2022 - Are the DAI and USDC Vaults using the same Fuse Pools to seek yield? What differences can you identify?
TVL on Solana
May 24, 2022 - Q77. With the market conditions souring over the last few months, how has that affected TVL (total value locked) in defi on Solana? Highlight three projects of your choosing (reference this for the list of top projects by TVL https://defillama.com/chain/Solana) and highlight key metrics and insights on each project to investigate what is influencing shifts in TVL and the number of users over time. What factors in the market or specifically about the projects cause TVL fluctuations?
Voting Records
Jan 20, 2022 - Select two Terra Validators of your choice and compare their voting history (governance votes). Off-chain data can be used to support your answer, but you must also utilize Flipside data in your answer to be eligible for full payment. BONUS: Can you find any proposals where your chosen validators voted differently? Why do you think this might be the case?
52 Pickup
Mar 2, 2022 - Terra Q153: Recently, a deal was announced wherein LUNA was sold for BTC at a price of about $52/LUNA. Some commentators on crypto-Twitter are contending that this represents the new floor price for LUNA. Over a time period of your choosing, how many days has LUNA closed above this price? How many days has it closed below this price?
Lockdrops Keep Fallin' On My Head
Jan 23, 2022 - Explain, in your own words, what a “lockdrop” is. Choose a metric for ASTRO tokens (price, circulating supply, amount sold vs. HODL) and display it visually over a time period of your choosing.