User Behavior (redux)
Oct 27, 2022 - How is user behavior different on Optimism compared to L1? Specifically, create a comparison between swaps and transactions on ETH mainnet vs Optimism, looking for things like daily swap volume, daily active users, and average volume swapped (use a single DEX for your comparison, either Uniswap or Sushiswap). L2 is far cheaper, but by how much? What are the average fees for a swap on Optimism compared to ETH Mainnet?
Untitled Board
Sep 11, 2022 - Show how users reacted to this change: - How many funds has been moved from the old contract to the new one? How much is still left in the old one? - How many unique wallets did already move their liquidity over? How many still have to switch? "
Liquidity Pools - Wallet Composition
Oct 27, 2022 - What type of wallets provide liquidity on Osmosis? Is liquidity concentrated and owned by a small number of whales? Or, are there a diverse range of participants in the LP ecosystem? Do LP composition change based on TVL of the pools themselves?