Sushi swap vs Uniswap Monthly Activity
Nov 15, 2021 - The first graph is going to show the amount of activity going on per month on Sushiswap. It continues to spike and drop, but throughout the summer it dropped heavily. This was the exact opposite from Uniswap who saw nearly 58,000 new users add to the network. This was more than double the average, which was closer to 24,000. There are three graphs for Uniswap. One of them will seem like July was the only active month, however, it was just the biggest spike. With all of the new additions it makes sense that there would be such a high number of activities compared to other times. This being said it is a little interesting the volume comparison between the other months. Another graph is going to show you the monthly activity in a logarithmic method so you can actually see the comparisons between the months for uniswap instead of seeing it as blank. It seems that Sushi is very active, however, there continues to be spikes and then activity dies down every couple of months. It seems that Sushi is on the downward trend, and will most likely be spiking very soon. It seems that Uniswap is either very active or very inactive, so in terms of consistency I would argue that Sushi is more active. However, when there is a lot of activity on Uniswap, it is very active and crazy.
Tracking USDC & USDT on Solana
Jun 16, 2022 - What's the current market share for USDC and USDT on Solana relative to other stablecoins in the ecosystem (look into USDC, USDT, UXD, USDH, PAI, NIRV, UST, DAI, FRAX)? Create a visualization showing the amount of transaction volume for USDC vs. USDT etc. do display popularity within Solana. For USDC and USDT specifically, breakdown the transaction activity by contract and exchange flows (i.e. which dapps and addresses hold the majority of USDC and USDT and what do cumulative flows to and from exchanges look like over time)?
Preferred C-Ratio
Oct 11, 2021 - On this dashboard I am showing the average for all of the loans combined overtime, and the average C-Ratio for the top 50 loans and the bottom 50 loans. The first graph shows the average C-Ratio for the biggest loans. As you can see depending on the coin used as collateral it will change the amount used as collateral. The range is from 1.05 - 1.11. This shows that the average for the biggest loans are actually very close together. The X-axis is off so instead to actually get the correct information from the graph slide over the different coin to get the C-Ratio. The other graph shows the largest amount that was in total used as coverage for the loans in USD. The other graphs shows for the smallest 50 loans what the average for each debt coverage token what it was. The range was for 1.04 - 1.11. I find this data very interesting because it shows that the C-Ratio is relatively even across the entire range of loans that are being taken out.
Algorand NFDomains
Jun 23, 2022 - NFDomains are .ALGO domains NFTs that have launched on Algorand. Lets look how many domains NFDomains have sold -Look at number of NFDomains have sold by day and how much revenue they have generated for NFDomains? -Look at how many wallets have bought an NFDomain by day. -Show the distribution of the number of NFDomains purchased by wallet. -Show the distribution of the amount of ALGOs spent on NFDomains purchased by wallet. -What are the top 10 biggest NFDomain sales? -Note any other interesting insights such as fees generated from secondary sales or average purchase price of an NFDomain sale.
Governance Participation (Address)
Oct 12, 2021 - The graphs on this dashboard will show the individual governance participation. I think it is important to first see what a graph would look like without the top participators. There is a large group of people that are participating, however, the power they have may not compare to those with the most, in fact it does not even compare. If you look at another graph that I included labeled governance power it is quite obvious that one address has the most power. They have 25 million in terms of total voting power, which blows everybody else to the side. I also added a time graph that will show you when each individual voted. You can go to any day and on that day you will be able to find who voted, their address, and also how much voting power they had. This information is useful especially if you want to look at certain votes. The last graph I wanted to use would show the voting power used over time. This graph will be very helpful when looking for the major votes. You have the ability to go and look at the specific dates on the previous graph I spoke about based on this final graph. I also included a graph without the top 100 so it is easier to see most of the people that had voted because the scale makes it more difficult to see the lower spectrum of voters. In this graph that shows the voting power over time without the top 100, it is much easier to see that many people do actually vote, it is just difficult to see when looking at scale.
Thorchain Network Shutdown
Dec 1, 2021 - This dashboard is going to show what the behavior of users has been since the restart of Thorchain and also how it compares to the actions before the shut down. This will give a deeper analysis on whether the shut down has changed people’s behaviors or if the shut down did not affect the actions of users in this environment. Before the shutdown there was a pretty even give and take of people adding and removing liquidity from the different pools. There were different spikes when the liquidity removed was drastically larger than that of what was being added, but in general they were pretty even. Some weeks would be up and some weeks would be down. Since the crash and restart it seems that people are removing much of their liquidity. Very few people are adding to the pools and this could be because this is the second time that the environment has crashed in its existence leading people to not trust the stability. This being said, people are still putting their money into RUNE. Not nearly as much in comparison to before, but also the time passed has been significantly less. What this says is that people are still wanting to have money in RUNE, believing that it will rise, and hoping that they won’t have an impermanent loss. Overall, people are a bit hesitant to get back into the LP’s on this network, but do believe in the currency. This leads me to believe that most likely people are going to want to have RUNE, and are hoping that as time goes on the network will get more reliant.
Hot Ball of Money
Jun 15, 2022 - Compare Solana NFT sales activity on "new" collections to the activity on more established collections within the ecosystem. Has the trend been to buy into the hype or invest in builders for the long term? What do whales seem to be doing? Has it been more profitable to mint/buy these new hyped collections and flip them, or to invest long term into NFT collections?
Polygon vs Ethereum Fees
Sep 14, 2021 - This first graph shows the Ethereum fees and the second graph shows the polygon fees. It does look like there is a correlation going into September, because if you add up all the numbers than they are close to the same as the polygon. There are no real divergent, but there are many big differences along the history of the two. Ethereum has more consistency, where as Polygon has skyrocketed recently. Based on my research there has been a lot of people considering Uniswap Polygon to be one of the most likely coins to become stable. It has done very well recently, but is expected to flatline and median out around $35-40 a coin. This would explain why there is a similarity between Ethereum and Polygon because Ethereum is one of the most well known and stable considered coins.
Curve Impermanent Loss
Jan 13, 2022 - The first graph is going to show you amount of money that was lost to impermanent loss each week. Impermanent loss is the risk that liquidity providers take in exchange for fees that they get from the different liquidity pools. If the impermanent loss exceeds fees earned by a user when they withdraw, it means the user suffered negative returns compared to if they just held their tokens outside the pool. As you can see the fees earned are drastically higher than the loss per week meaning for most users it was a great idea to take the risk.
Solana Free Square
Jun 16, 2022 - In this dashboard we will look into the most popular NFT collections and the effect if any that they had on the entire of blockchain based on their value, desirability, and when they were officially dropped.
CRV Token Use
Sep 20, 2021 - One interesting insight that I was able to find was the amount of money that are being put into the USDT Liquidity Pool. This pool is known for being stable and also helping to stabilize the market. It makes sense that people would be moving money out into this pool because it is a more sound investment. However, you can see that it spikes and drops very consistently. This is most likely going to be based on how the coin is doing. While CRV is down people will be worried about their investment and are going to probably decide to move their money into a more stable liquidity pool. Another interesting thing that people are doing with their tokens is starting to invest in sushiswap. What is this platform? It is a major online player and is even starting to rival some centralized financial systems. How are they managing to do this? It has become increasingly popular due to the selection of liquidity pools. It is one of the few exchanges that really has the ability to compete with centralized trading platforms. The value of one sushi is expected to grow by over 100% making it a good looking investment. This being said it is very important to remember that before investing in any crypto currency you should only put in what you are willing and ABLE to lose.
Flashloan Prevalence on AAVE
Sep 1, 2021 - I started the analysis by figuring out which coins were used most, in terms of US dollars. They came out to be WETH, DAI, USDC, USDT, WBTC in that order. Flashloans are commonly used for arbitrage, which is buying and selling the same asset at the different prices the market makers put it at. They offer an unlimited amount of funds, which means that you can make as much money off arbitrage at one point, unlike the centralized system of currency. The rate is significantly cheaper because the amount borrowed is paid back with the additional amount in the same transaction, if the transaction does not go through, than you never borrowed the money. The second graph shows how often flashloans were used and for how much. The month of May had flashloan amounts sky rocket. They have not been the same since and have actually been decreasing. In May there was one major attack that occurred using flashloans. To being the person responsible borrowed $270 million of Eth, which they used to manipulate kyber network oracle. The function of KNO is to connect the block chain to the real world. Through the process they were able to mint many xSNXa tokens, which were sold for ETH and SNX. They than found a weakness in the xBNTa contracts because as a wrapped token, it could only be minted using the BNT currency. The smart contract failed to check this, therefore they could use different tokens to mint xBNTa tokens, which they than sold, making a killing. On May 20th another one flashloan attack was launched. Although there were definitely many alternative purposes for these flashloans, these specific ones were used during attacks. One use of a flashloan is swapping debt and collateral at the same time. If you borrow coin1, and use coin2 as collateral, but coin2 crashes, than you could lose your loan. A flashloan would allow you to trade coin2, for a more stable coin.
Do the Titans Keep Their Power?
Apr 24, 2023 - Do the favorites hold up. This dashboard is to see if the most popular and highest volume of traded NFT's on the Solana NFT market place in 2022 will also be the most popular in 2023. The goal will be to figure out how the market reacts to these different NFT projects and understand the lifetime value of these projects and if they are able to hold their value. The most popular NFT's will be based on the number of times they are bought / sold not on the price / value of the NFT's.
Fees on wormhole vs others
Jan 13, 2022 - These two graphs are going to show you the difference on terra wormhole fees vs other fees. As you can see the ethereum fees are much higher, which makes a lot of sense because if you try to transfer on the blockchain then you know that much of the time the fees can be close to $200 or even more depending on the time. When looking at the terra fees much of the time to complete a transaction will be no more than 1-2 UST.
Liquidity And Volume
Jan 19, 2022 - The first graph is going to show you the volume that is added to the liquidity pools by which the top 10 most are added. As you can see USDC WETH has the most added to it by far. The third graph is going to show you the daily volume that is also added to these pools, but in total without separation. The second graph is going to connect with the fourth graph regarding liquidity. It is no surprise that sushi has found itself in the same position as many other currencies. With the major drop is crypto it is no surprise that liquidity has also taken a hit. This can be seen as for much of the time table it is completely negative, meaning more money is being withdrawn then added in terms of liquidity. However, there is been a major increase in the amount of liquidity that has been input, very recently. Many people would take their money out because of the drop, however, as the popularity increases and the assumption of valuation increases continues, there is no surprise that many people decided it was a great time to invest a lot of money into the platform itself.
Solana When Do Transactions Fail
Jan 20, 2022 - These two graphs are going to show the amount of money and times that people have made transactions and how many of them have gone through. For most of the spikes there tends to be a correlation between the amount that fail to go through and the amount that do. There also tends to be a consistent amount of transactions that will fail at any time regardless of the volume that is going. This can be seen in the first graph as there is a constant amount of transaction amounts that are failing everyday.
Aave Fee Metric Dashboard
Sep 23, 2021 - The first graph shows the deposit fees generate for each aave version. What you can see is that both V1 and V2 spike at different times and are all continuously being used. Aave AMM does have spikes, but they are all considerably smaller compared to the largest spikes of V1 and V2. The flashloan graph shows the premiums made for each of the different versions. They are both pretty equal in terms of the amount that is being made, however there is one spike for V1. The liquidation graph shows the amount of fees in USD that are being generated. You can see that V1 and V2 is considerably higher than that of AAVE AMM. The staking dashboard shows how much each is being made on each platform for staking their coins. It shows the returns in total that they are getting. It makes sense that AAVE AMM would have the most because it is the newest version so people would want to stake their coins in the newest possible area. The other four graphs are showing you the amount of fees that have happened per coin. This will show you the break down of how much of the fees each coin took up of the total amount. It is important to note that these are not over time because of technical issues. What you can pull from these graphs is which coins are truly being used and where the fees generated are originating from. There tend to be 2-3 coins through each of the following categories that are making by far the majority of fees.
Thorchain Terra LP-ers: Aftermath
Jun 21, 2022 - What did people that were LP-ing in the Terra pools do? Are they just holding onto their $RUNE now or are they back in the arena LP-ing somewhere? Or did they sell their $RUNE and leave the ecosystem completely.
Galactic Punks: Traders and Collectors
Oct 20, 2021 - The first graph shows you all of the people who are holding Galactic Punks. These are not all distinct people some may be repeated, but I felt that it was important to show this because it is very clear that this has become very popular. Yes there is a major drop, but to be fair if you look at the timeline that is over the course of 16 days. It is impossible to read too much into this without realistically seeing the major spike. Although the spike has been dropping it is important to note the major crypto currency boost. Even though it may seem that these are inversely correlated, it makes sense that as crypto currency continues to rise so will the amount of Traders and collectors. Although you can't see this in the graph there have been nearly 90,000 unique holders. This includes buying and selling of the Galactic Punks.
Wormhole Users Persona
Jan 13, 2022 - These graphs are going to show you the persona of the users of wormhole. The first graph is going to show how much each account is spending in general. As you can see there are some accounts that are being used significantly more. If you look across the graph you can see that many people spend much less, but there is a still a lot going through these different accounts. The second graph will show how many different uses are happening per day for these different accounts. As you can see there has been a major increase in the amount of people using the wormhole since it got popular. The third graph is going to show you the amount of times each individual account is using wormhole. This will show that some accounts have used it once, whereas other accounts are using wormhole more frequently, sometimes up to 300-400 times.
Bonded vs Unbonded
Sep 1, 2021 - The LUNA market seems volatile. When a Luna is Bonded, it is staked, meaning it will generate rewards for the validator and the delegator it is bonded to. Until it is fully unbonded, it cannot be traded. The graph shows that Luna has been going up and down. It stays at those high or low points for around 2 months before either going back down or going up. You could argue in that case that it is stable, however, because of how drastic the changes tend to be, I would argue that LUNA is not consistent, but it is stable.
Tornado Cash Sanctions
Aug 10, 2022 - What is Tornado Cash and why would it be targeted by the US government? Why might an address interact with the service?
Applications on Algorand
Jun 29, 2022 - How have the number of application calls changed in the first 6 months of 2022 compared to the last 6 months of 2021?
Whale Activity
Nov 10, 2021 - This is the graph that contains all of the different Liquidity Pools that are involved on the chain. It is also important to note that there are people who are entering and leaving the different liquidity pools. I thought it was important to note which of the LP's were having more money removed than added, as they represent opposite actions. As you can see there are many Ethereum LP's that are having just money added instead of being taken away. That also goes for some in BNB as well.
Curve Weekly Fees
Jan 11, 2022 - This dashboard is going to show you the comparison of the top 10 pools for fees collected, and it is also going to show you the comparison of the top 10. The fist will give you the values without time being involved. The final graph is going to show you the progression of fees over time based on each pool. As you can see there are very few fees in the beginning, however, as time goes on almost every single pool begins to have a large amount of fees. The first two graphs can be used for reference on, which pools are going to have the most fees overall.
AAVE Comparing V3 and V2
Jul 27, 2022 - Compare the premium fees earned in AAVE v2 and AAVE v3 in the last 90 days. Which one is the leading fees generator? Has Aave v3 eaten Aave v2's premium fee share?
Lock Curve Why
Jan 12, 2022 - This dashboard is going to show why it is best to lock curve and show how many people are doing this. The first graph are people that are locking their curve and the second graph is people that are moving their curve from curve. As you can see there are more people that are moving their money to curve instead of taking it out. By locking your cryptocurrency you strengthen the blockchain itself, but can also earn rewards based on the cryptocurrency that you lock. For a growing crypto currency having people lock it helps to provide stability to the new coin, which is why it happens quite often when a coin is new. As the value grows so will your rewards and the desire of others to get into the currency itself as it is on the rise.
DAI on the Market
Jan 20, 2022 - These 3 graphs are going to analyze the DAI on the market and explain the large shifts in DAI on the market over the year. The first graph is going to show you the transactions over time and as you can see they are steadily going up. This means more and more people are looking to get DAI. As cryptocurrency values have been skyrocketing more and more people are looking to leverage their assets to make even more money. Trading your money for DAI makes a lot of sense as the prices increase. You can double your investments in the same currencies. The second graph is going to show you the balance over time, which correlates to the transactions over time. The events may not be directly related to Maker, but they are all related. As more people see the value of cryptocurrency increasing they want to invest to make more money. By leveraging your money you have the opportunity to make even more.