Mitosis Expedition Mainnet
May 14, 2024 - This dashboard only contains Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Blast and Linea vaults data because flipside doesnt have Mode and Manta data.
How does BTC funding affect rates?
Aug 11, 2022 - Create a dashboard that shows: Supply and lending rates for at least five tokens in Aave V2, and Total amount of Wrapped BTC supplied over time. Provide analysis on the volatility of rates. Measure the correlation between USDC borrow rates and total wBTC supplied.
Liquid Staking ETH Platforms Analysis
Sep 5, 2022 - Consider all possible liquid staking ETH platforms. Then, find out the following: How much ETH was staked over time? How many unique depositors are there? How likely are depositors to use multiple platforms vs using a single platform? Are depositors Dollar cost averaging their ETH into the platforms? What is the avg/median/max/min/distribution of ETH deposits? Compare all the metrics above between the various ETH staking methods/platforms
Liquidity Providers Stats
Aug 24, 2022 - Q109. Liquidity providers stats 1. Evaluate the distribution of various target segments who provide liquidity (LP): - What’s the total no. of unique LP providers? - What’s the ratio between Yield farmers vs. LP Providers? - What’s the average no. of LP positions opened by each unique wallet address - What’s the ratio of liquidity (Based on TVL) owned by the Protocol vs. Retail LP in both LP Pool and yield farms - The percentage (%) increase/decrease of LP Providers in Sushi over the last 1 year 2. Evaluate the profitability of an LP Provider & Yield Farmer - Evaluate if there’s a correlation between profitability vs. length of time? - Evaluate if there is a correlation between profit vs. time of withdrawal - Correlation between profitability vs type of pool? EX: stable pool