Hop In the Pool
Nov 26, 2022 - Analyze how users join pools on Osmosis. Do they dive in headfirst (add both assets; joinpool) or do they wade in carefully (singleside; join swap extern amount in). Also analyze how deep the pool is (typical swap size in token and USD for both activities).
Do Whales Have Diamond Hands?
Jun 18, 2022 - Q12. Does the swap behavior of OSMO whales differ from everyday users? How does it differ? Create visuals showing what whales swap to and from compared to a normal Osmosis user.
The Unstakeeeeers
Jul 15, 2022 - How frequently do users on Osmosis unstake their Osmosis? What do they do with the OSMO once unstaked? Do they re-delegate, enter a LP position, or swap into another token? Do they re-delegate to certain validators more frequently than others? Why might this be so?
Unique Users
Jun 4, 2022 - How many unique wallets are active on Osmosis per day? How has this changed over time? What has been the largest event that has brought the most wallet activity to Osmosis?
NEAR City Layout
Nov 9, 2022 - How centralized or decentralized is NEAR, really? Choose at least two distinct measures of decentralization that can be explored with on-chain data; clearly define those metrics; and outline how NEAR performs based on those metrics. In your view, is NEAR becoming more centralized or decentralized over time?
wETH Deposit Rate
Jun 14, 2022 - Calculate the deposit rate of wETH over time on Osmosis. How does this compare to SushiSwap and Thorchain now? How does the wETH deposit rate compare to when wETH was a relatively new asset (or the protocol was relatively new)? Is Osmosis growing at a faster rate than Thorchain and Sushiswap?
Osmosis Governance
Jun 19, 2022 - Q13. Create a dashboard that maps community participation in governance. On average, how long does it take for a new wallet to become active in Osmosis governance? Do wallets that are active in governance vote on every proposal? Or do they only vote on select proposals?
Swap Fees
Jun 27, 2022 - Q21. Do fees on Osmosis differ when users swap to or from different tokens? On average, which tokens have the highest and lowest swap fees on Osmosis?
Transaction Fees
May 20, 2022 - How many transaction fees are being paid out each day for the past 30 days? Does a certain type of transaction result in a greater amount of fees being collected?